Upcoming Projects

Summer Projects

Untitled one-hour documentary film based on the beginnings and present status of the Burnett-Moore family. The only black family to still own and operate a farm for over 116 years. Shot on digital video.

Orders are being taken for the above untitled film. Price is $29.95. E-mail jakefeil@yahoo.com or phone 316-969-8177.

We are currently in post production on a short drama called BAD SEED, which we shot on Hi-8 video.

It stars some great Wichita-based talent such as Delno Ebie, Monica McFadden, Mark Fisher, and Pam Darling.

Plans are underway on several feature projects including a script I co-wrote called THE LIFE YOUR DEALT which is a dramatic and very controversial piece.

Several feature 16mm projects including a script written by John Ervin called THE LIFE YOUR DEALY which is a dramatic and controversial piece. Synopsis of this film is coming soon.

Stay tuned for details on our spagetti western crossed with Easy Rider feature called, OUTLAW. Story by: Betsy Mathieu and Jake Feil Screenplay by: Betsy Mathieu


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Copyright © 1999 by experiMENTAL Productions. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 30, 1999.